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Pleasant Grove Utah

General Information About Pleasant Grove

Pleasant Grove Utah Information: Situated below Mt. Timpanogas, Pleasant Grove is a small town with great community pride and satisfaction. Its close location to urban areas allows its residents to maintain a pleasant life style and at the same time enjoy a personal, small-town atmosphere.  During the past decade, Pleasant Grove experienced steady growth, averaging an average annual rate change of 5.7%. From 1998 to 2000 alone the city gained nearly 3,000 new residents. With a median age of 23.6 and an average household size of 3.88, Pleasant Grove is right in line with the county averages.

Origin of Cities Name: Pleasant Grove Utah

Pleasant Grove has existed under many names. It was established in 1849 when a Mormon group, including William H. Adams, Philo T. Farnsworth and John Mercer, settled there. They built a fort and named it Grove Fort. After a disagreement with local Indians, the settlement became Battle Creek. In March 1851, the name was finally changed to Pleasant Grove.

Pleasant Grove utah

Pleasant Grove Utah Attractions

On July 19, 1850, William H. Adams, John Mercer and Philo T. Farnsworth, Mormon pioneers, sent by Brigham Young, arrived at the area now known as Pleasant Grove and staked out farms in what is now the southwest corner of the city. A small community was established September 13, 1850, consisting of George S. Clark and his wife, Susannah Dalley Clark, Richard and Ann Elizabeth Sheffer Clark, John Greenleaf Holman and Nancy Clark Holman, Lewis Harvey and his wife Lucinda Clark Harvey, Johnathan Harvey and Sarah Herbert Harvey, Charles Price and wife and child, Widow Harriet Marler and children, John Wilson, Ezekiel Holman, and possibly one or two others, relatives of those mentioned. Pleasant Grove was officially incorporated as a town January 18, 1855, by which time the settlement had grown 623 people.

The original name of the city was Battle Creek, Utah. It was named for a battle which took place there in 1849 between Mormon settlers and a small band of Ute Indians. The settlers later decided they needed a more uplifting name and began calling their town Pleasant Grove after a grove of cottonwood trees located between Battle Creek and Grove Creek, near the current-day intersection of Locust Avenue and Battle Creek Drive. A monument with a plaque describing this battle is located at Kiwanis Park, at the mouth of Battle Creek Canyon.

During the Walker Indian War in the 1850s, citizens built a fort with walls two or three feet thick and six feet tall that occupied an area the size of sixteen city blocks. The settlers in the area at the time built homes inside the fort. While the fort no longer stands, memorial cornerstones were erected by local historians. The northeast monument was erected near the intersection of 100 North and 300 East Streets. The northwest monument was erected four blocks west of that point at 100 West Street and the southeast monument erected four blocks south at 300 South Street. The southwest monument would have been located near 300 South 100 West, the area is now occupied by a large parking lot and retail store

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Facts about Pleasant Grove, Utah

Located on the northeast portion of the Utah Valley, Pleasant Grove Utah is a city surrounded with beautiful scenery and lush greenery. In fact, it is being referred as “Utah’s City of Trees”. This is because of the area’s alluvial deposits and sediments that came from the nearby Lake Bonneville, which helps fruit trees and other greens to grow abundantly. But due to recent developments and improvements, only a portion of this vast tree orchard remains. Despite this, Pleasant Grove, Utah is still one of the best cities to live in Utah Count. Pleasant Grove’s population continues to grow.

For people who desire to live in the peaceful community of Pleasant Grove, finding a good Real Estate broker is the best way to get the best deal on a property in Pleasant Grove. Team Teasdale Realty is a group of Realtors that specialize in finding homes for their buyers. Before you decide to live in Pleasant Grove, it is best to find out some facts about this vibrant City.

  • As of the year 2013, the population of PG, Utah is at 34,988. It had tremendously grown to 57.44 percent from the year 2000. This vast increase of population is a proof that more and more people desire to live in the beautiful city of Pleasant Grove, UT. Several new development including, land, condos, twinhomes and townhomes have spurred the new growth.
  • The average cost of a home property in PG, Utah is at $246,200, which is a bit higher than other cities in Utah. Many people would still prefer to live in Pleasant Grove because of the Pleasant Grove’s fast economic development. Pleasant Grove has a quaint walking downtown area.
  • Because of the City’s vast development and progress, the people of Pleasant Grove have more jobs as compared with other cities in the US. As of 2011, its unemployment rate is only 7.50 percent, which is lower than the country’s average unemployment rate of 9.10 percent.

Despite of the hasty urban developments, Pleasant Grove, Utah is still a city that has a “small-town feel”. What’s even great about living in Pleasant Grove is that there is less traffic, as compared with other developing cities in Utah. The number of people relocating to Pleasant Grove has been constantly increasing.

More Facts about Pleasant Grove, Utah. 


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